Perks of Being a Senior

You get to hang out with the President at her house!12919651_10206141408316204_3264127441256859673_n

One of the things seniors look forward to at the end of the year is attending Bryn Mawr’s Senior Dinner. Each year, the President opens up her home to celebrate the near- completion of our senior year, and our time at Bryn Mawr. It’s especially fitting because during our first week on campus as a freshman, we are invited to the President’s house for a dessert reception, and we end our time at BMC by returning to the same place!

12809724_10206141409116224_8017842457559840766_nIt was so much fun to get dressed up and see friends and peers in this happy and celebratory atmosphere. Dinner was of course delicious, (a huge thank you to everybody who helped put it together and make the night so memorable!) and President Cassidy made her way to each table during the dinner to share in our conversation and celebration. We are very lucky to have a President who is so invested, not just in the college itself, but in each and every one of its students. For example, I had the awesome opportunity to take a course with President Cassidy in the fall. Her commitment to teaching at the college, as well as being at its helm, is just one of the many ways she shows her connection and investment in students and the community.

And… hang out with the President in New York City!

IMG_9642Each year, students who are receiving a Bryn Mawr grant are asked to submit a scholarship profile, with the goal of being able to share our voices and experiences with donors of the college. We get to virtually share with them a little bit about our background, what we’re studying, and what we hope to do after graduation.  A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend a scholarship event hosted by President Cassidy at an alumna’s apartment in New York City. I was extremely eager to accept, and last Wednesday, I got to attend and meet two of the incredible individuals who have helped make attending Bryn Mawr possible for me and my family.

IMG_9652My Bryn Mawr Grant is generously funded by the Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund, and I was honored to be able to meet a couple who has graciously donated to that fund so that I could have the privilege of saying that I am a student, and soon-to-be graduate of Bryn Mawr. I, and the other current students who were invited (who were from all class years!), got to mix and mingle with some of the donors to the many scholarships BMC provides to make attending our college more feasible and realistic for families. It was inspiring and incredibly humbling to be around and speak with so many individuals who were all committed to helping make attending Bryn Mawr a reality for me, my peers, and future mawrters to come. I am forever grateful to the members of the Class of 1958, and to all donors and their families for their generosity and dedication to Bryn Mawr students.

And… get invited to the Parent Welcome Reception for the Class of 2020!

IMG_9766As a thank you to senior tour guides in the office, we are invited to attend one of the Welcome Receptions hosted by the Admissions Office for parents of newly admitted students who could be part of Bryn Mawr’s Class of 2020. I can hardly believe that we are already welcoming the next class of baby blues. I have worked as a tour guide for the last three years, and each year as I give tours to future generations of mawrters, I can’t help but think back to my first visit on campus. One of the best parts of being a tour guide is seeing the look on students’ faces as they walk around campus for the first time.

As with all Bryn Mawr events, the food and company were fabulous, and it was an honor to meet and speak with parents about why I chose and stayed at Bryn Mawr. Members of the campus community were present, as well as President Cassidy, and together, we got to welcome our guests to BMC, and share everything we love about it. It was a fun event, and I’m so thankful I got to attend! This weekend is full of admitted student events, and I can’t wait to welcome the Class of 2020 to my second home!

Being a senior has a ton of perks, and these were just a handful! There is just about a month left before graduation, and just over two weeks until my thesis is due… While it feels overwhelming at times, I keep reminding myself that done is almost so good, and to celebrate each day I have left in this beautiful place. More to come!